Reducing Stress

I believe that stress can be reduced by thinking about the goal of learning. By not worrying about points, automatically almost all of the stress is gone. Instead, I like to focus on what I take away from a class, rather than the points I earn in it. This way I am more motivated to learn, but I am less stressed.

Recounting things I’m grateful for

I’m grateful to be able to have the resources to learn CS. This includes a computer, a great teacher, a fun group, and opportunities to pursue CS outside of school.

My goals

My goal in Computer Science is just to build something that is useful to the world. Something that ends up being important to people, and helps people. That’s long term though. In the short term, I want to take as many opportunities as I can to advance my CS knowledge and to create cool things!


My group is a great example of collaboration, IMO. We work hard and have fun!